In my AP Lit class we're reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. I must say that it is a lot better then most of the dystopian novels out now. Bradbury not only creates a interesting world way ahead of his time, but does it while questioning what it truly means to have knowledge. Not just knowing things but having the freedom to pursue knowledge and awareness. Imagine a world were firefighters don't put out fires but start them. Imagine a world books are burned and suicide is expected. Scary right?
One of the most interesting characters in F451 is Mildred, wife of the protagonist, Guy Montag. The first time I met Mildred she had committed suicide. So far (I haven't finished the book yet) Mildred seems to have two personalities, one that is air headed and has no real worries and another so troubled that it comes out in only her darkest hours. To me Mildred is a puzzle because it isn't clear why she acts the way she does. It seems at times that she is stubbornly blind and ignorant. Bellow is a poem I wrote from Guy to Mildred.
"From Guy to Mildred"
Lost in a labyrinth of ignorance
Your mind is a complete mystery
In one ear out the other
Do you even remember?
Cold nights spent in a gray scale world
You zone out, only to neglect yourself.
The others around
Become characters in the background
Faded to black.
Where did you go?
What led you to fall
On your own sword?
Like Ophelia
Had your mind wandered down the river
Engulfed by the current
Lost forever?
Or did you run and hide?
Like Hamlet?
Run from the truth into madness?
Only to see the ghosts from your past.
No matter how deep
Your labyrinth goes
Just know, I'll be waiting
At the end.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.