Everyone has had to write poetry at some point in their lives. Whether they were coerced by a teacher or overwhelmed by emotion. Poetry is everywhere. It's in daily speech, it's in movement. It's in the way we express our emotions. Today I've decided to go back and look over the poetry I'd written in the past.
Whenever I write a poem I always feel like its terrible, mostly because it doesn't rhyme. But I've kept writing, bad poetry or not, and I like to think that I've improved.
"Earth Bound" (Written 2011)
I asked my mother
Why she wanted me to be so perfect
She looked at me and said I shouldn’t bother
Cuz’ perfect is not something that I can reach.
I don’t blame her really,
It’s myself that I blame
Since perfect is something that I need to be
I need it like the body needs oxygen
Become a doctor she says
But my hearts not in it
I want the rush of the wind on my face
The sound of millions of people clapping
The smell of roses in the air
The feeling of satisfaction after a difficult performance
She says I should settle for less
With silent thankyou’s from strangers
And the smiling face of my own child looking up at me.
I look at her and know
That nothing can be done
Because we are mother and daughter
And history repeats it’s self
Long ago she had the same dreams
Until someone told her she had flown too high
Too high for her little wings
So looking down she dropped to the ground
And settled for much less
My mother looks at me now and I see years of bound pain in her eyes
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.