My background is filled with colors, sounds, loud jewelry and music. I grew up watching my Aunts and cousins wear colorfully magical hijabs; some that sparkle and some that shine. I think that hijabs reflect your personality. Like the environment in which I grew up, South Asia is very bright, very vibrant. Think Bollywood. So when choosing a hijab or scarf I tend to gravitate towards patterns and colors.
I don't agree with the saying that wearing a colored hijab or decorating your hijab is sinful. As long as you cover your hair and all the important parts, as long as you remain modest, you're a true hijabi. Saying that colorful hijabs attract the attention of men and that by default they are "sinful" is like blaming a woman wearing a micro mini for getting cat calls or god forbid raped. It's not right. A hijabi covers her hair and body in piety towards God (SWAT).
So....hijabs can be modest and beautiful. You don't have to give up hair accessories just because you cover your hair! Headbands, bows, feathers, and even veils can be worn with a scarf. Almost anything can, as long as you're modest ^^
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