Hey, hey you! Tired from finals? Or just life in general? Well why don't you take the time to smell the flowers... and maybe pick a few to make a flower crown.
All the steps for this DIY are listed down below with pictures but if you don't like reading, here's my YouTube video:
For this DIY you don't need to pick real flowers (but you could). All you need is:
1. Synthetic or cloth flowers, with wire stems. I got mine at the dollar store.
2. Green Metal Twine. You can find them in any craft store.
3. E600 Glue or any other strong glue.
Step #1
Take apart the flower: remove the flower buds and leaves from the stem.
Step #2
Break apart the wire stems, and throwout the stub.
Step #3
Attach a few flower buds to the stems
Step #4
Take the ends of two of those and intertwine them. If there is wire sticking out just attach a leaf or flower to it. Do this for two more stems.
Step #5
Take the two connected flowers stems and tie them together with a naked stem. Do the same to the other side. You now have the base of the crown.
Step #6
Add flowers and leaves as you see fit. I used the metal twine to attach more flowers and leaves by looping them through the middle. Feel free to mix and match colors :)
Step #7
Use glue to make sure that the flowers stay on forever.
Step #8
Cut off any wires that are sticking out over the edge.
And that it!!!
There's something absolutely whimsical about flower crowns. Flowers in general make me happy and do a lot to lower my stress levels. That's probably why I decided to DIY a flower crown during my final's week :)
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.