New York Festival of Light 2014


Hey hey hey! How has your November been so far? Mine has suddenly gotten cold, the temperature in Manhattan has dropped to single digits. But before it became the arctic here, I was able to check out the Festival of Lights. It was a three day art exhibit held in DUMBO Brooklyn, aka by the Brooklyn Bridge.

They hadn't really advertised the exhibit that much, so I didn't find out until the last day of the exhibit. It seemed like a once in a life time experience so I grabbed a few friends and we headed out to Brooklyn. We got lost along the way, but when we finally emerged from the underground we found a ridiculously long line waiting for us- complete with police officers and barricaded roads.

I left my friends waiting at the end of the two block line and tried to cut the line :3 Eventually I succeeded and we all made our way inside.

It felt surreal. The exhibit was underneath the arches of the Brooklyn Bridge. The four main exhibits were scattered throughout, there were lazer lights and a DJ playing.

This was a kid friendly exhibit and I saw numerous baby trailers and little kids with light sabers.



The night was foggy, adding to the surreal vibes of the night. Our walk home was illuminated by the gorgeous Manhattan skyline. If this event occurs again next year i definitely recommend attending.

Peace, Love, and Hijabs,
Nishi <3

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