Every year my school puts on a Latin Fair. The Fair celebrates Roman culture and is run entirely by the upperclassmen at my high school. There is always traditional Roman foods, Roman architectural models and a play based on a Roman myth.
Most of the Roman Gods and Goddesses are variations of the Greek Gods and Goddesses. For instance Jupiter was the equivalent of Zeus and Ceres the equivalent of Demeter. This year the play was based on the myth of Persephone and Hades, or in Roman culture Pluto and Proserpina. For those of you who are not familiar with this play... there are many variations but basically this was the Roman explanation for the changing of the seasons. Pluto decided to steal Proserpina from Ceres and make her his queen. Proserpina refuses and goes on a hunger strike. Eventually Pluto persuades her to eat a few pomegranate seeds thereby forcing her to stay in "hell" with him since anyone who eats food from hell has to stay there forever. Ceres, however is enraged and convinces Jupiter (Proserpina's father) to split Proserpina's time.
Therefore when Proserpina goes to the underworld, Ceres mourns her absence and for 6 months it is Winter/Fall since Ceres is the Goddess of the harvest. When Proserpina returns to the land of the living, Ceres is happy once again and the Earth is fertile --> Spring/Summer.
This year I was elected to be costume director for the play and boy was I happy! There is much more to Roman culture than just togas. Because there were so many nymphs, ghouls, and gods I had a lot of fun playing around with fabric and props.
These were Proserpina's nymphs. I decided that since high-low skirts are so feminine and flowy they would be great for floral nymphs. I also attached fake flowers that you could get from Micheal's or A.C. Moore to everyone's hair, arms and legs.
Everyone getting ready before the Show :)
All the Nymphs had stylishly curled hair thanks to my friends ^^
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.